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General Info: Pike and Muskellunge (Musky or Muskie) look very similar, eat similar patterns, can be found in similar waters, but are vastly different creatures when it comes to catching them. Northern Pike are typically very aggressive and will take just about any available presentation when they are in the mood. Muskie are almost the complete opposite. They are known to follow flies to the boat over and over again without so much as a taste. I have personally had one take my fly and push it down into the gravel with its beak. He never opened his mouth. Just wanted that fly out of his space. They are known as the fish of a thousand casts, and it might be true, but every once in a while, one of them eats... Tiger Muskie (as pictured above) are a hybrid between muskie and pike that are stocked in lakes around the country. They act like a muskie in most ways and are just as hard to catch. The sizes of fish can vary dramatically. Many places with pike only have fish under a pound, while big Canadian pike can reach 30 or more pounds. (Current world record is 55 pounds). Muskie can reach over 6 feet in length and over 70 pounds!!!
Pike will eat just about anything, but long streamer patterns in red, yellow, chartreuse or black are the favorites. Pike also love mouse patterns.
Muskie patterns are typically going to be the biggest patterns in the box. The Muskie Deceiver is our most popular muskie pattern and is the largest fly that we sell.

Preferred Gear
Rods: 7-11wt fly rods. Most muskie anglers use a 10wt or 11wt, while most pike anglers are using an 8wt or 9wt. Very stout, stiff, fast. No distance needed, just the ability to cast a huuuge fly a few feet.
Reels: Large arbor, weighted and sized for large rods.
Lines: Specialty lines for big flies
Favorites: RIO Elite Predator,

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